Variable Jahr |
1970 |
1971 |
1973 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
V4 overall life satisfaction |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V6 democracy satisfaction |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V7 society satisfaction |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V8 social change desired |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V9 country goals 1st |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V10 country goals 2nd |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V13 left/right placement |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V20 next year better/worse |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V21 next year: more/less strikes |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V26 income inequality |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V27 terrorism |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V28 public ownership of private industry |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V29 government management of economy |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V30 military defence (importance) |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V31 pollution (importance) |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V35 Rs age in years |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V36 Rs sex |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
V49 materialist/postmaterialist |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 = Variable wurde erhoben
Abbildung 25
Abbildung 26
Abbildung 27
Q: On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the life you lead?
A: 1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Not very satisfied
4. Not at all satisfied
0. DK/NA
Q: Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days - would you say you're very happy, fairly happy, or not too happy these days?
A: 1. Very happy
2. Fairly happy
3. Not too happy
0. DK/NA
Q: On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works (in your country)?
A: 1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Not very satisfied
4. Not at all satisfied
0. DK/NA
Q: On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with: (READ OUT QUESTION TEXT) the kind of society in which we live in (country) today?
A: 1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Not very satisfied
4. Not at all satisfied
0. DK/NA
Q: (SHOW CARD O) On this card are three basic kinds of attitudes vis-a-vis the society we live in. Please choose the one which best
describes your own opinion (ONE ANSWER ONLY).
A: 1. The entire way our society is organized must be radically changed by revolutionary action
2. Our society must be gradually improved by reforms
3. Our present society must be valiantly defended against all subversive forces
0. DK/NA
Q: There is a lot of talk these days about what this country's goals should be for the next ten or fifteen years. On this card are listed some of the goals that different people say should be given top priority (SHOW CARD J). Please say which one of them you, yourself, consider most important in the long run? (ONE ANSWER ONLY)
A: 1. Maintaining order in the nation
2. Giving the people more say in important government decisions
3. Fighting rising prices
4. Protecting freedom of speech
0. DK/NA
Q: In political matters, people talk of "the left" and "the right". How would you place your views on this scale? (SHOW CARD N. DO NOT PROMPT. THE 10 BOXES OF THE CARD ARE NUMBERED, RING CHOICE. IF CONTACT HESITATES, ASK HIM TO TRY AGAIN)
A: 01. Left
10. Right
00. DK/NA
Q: So far as you are concerned, do you think that 19__ <next year) will be better or worse than 19__ <this year>?
A: 1. Better
2. Same
3. Worse
0. DK/NA
Q: Looking ahead to next year, 19__, do you think strikes and industrial disputes (in this country) will increase, decrease, or
remain the same?
A: 1. Increase
2. Remain the same
3. Decrease
0. DK/NA
Q: We'd like to hear your views on some important political issues. Could you tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of the following proposals? How strongly do you feel? (SHOW CARD H) <Do you agree or disagree that> Greater effort should be made to reduce inequality of income
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree (offered only in BARO 21)
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Q: <Do you agree or disagree that> More severe penalties should be introduced for acts of terrorism
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Q: <Do you agree or disagree that> Public ownership of private industry should be expanded
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Q: BARO 11 and BARO 16: <Do you agree or disagree that> Government should play a greater role in the management of the economy
BARO 19: <Do you agree or disagree that> Government should play a smaller role in the management of the economy
BARO 21: <Do you agree or disagree that> the government should intervene less in the management of the economy
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree (offered only in BARO 21)
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Q: <Do you agree or disagree that> Western Europe should make a stronger effort to provide adequate military defense
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree (offered only in BARO 21)
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Q: <Do you agree or disagree that> Stronger measures should be taken to protect the environment against pollution
A: 1. Agree strongly
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Disagree strongly
0. DK/NA
Die folgenden Tabellen geben die Ergebnisse der Varianzanalysen wieder, die wir für Deutschland, Grossbritannien, die Niederlande, Dänemark, Irland, Italien und Frankreich im Zeitraum von 1976 bis 1990 vorgenommen haben. In den Varianzanalysen wurden die Links-Rechts-Plazierungen (V13) mit Demokratiezufriedenheit (V6) und Ausmass des gewünschten sozialen Wandels (V8) zu erklären versucht.
In jeder Tabelle ist unterhalb der Jahreszahl der R2-Wert der Varianzanalyse angegeben. Dieser entspricht der erklärten Varianz, und wurde im Kapitel 3 in den Grafiken abgebildet. Zudem sind in den Tabellen das Signifikanzniveau und die Beta-Koeffizienten der einzelnen Variablen angegeben. Die Beta-Koeffizienten repräsentieren die Stärke einer einzelnen Variable (V6 oder V8) zur Erklärung der Links-Rechts-Plazierungen. Die zweite Spalte enthält die Label der Variablen. In der dritten Spalte der Tabellen sind in der Rubrik "N" die Anzahl der Fälle angegeben, welche die entsprechende Antwort gegeben haben. Die von Interaktionen zwischen den beiden Variablen bereinigte Abweichung einzelner Items ist in der vierten Spalte unter "Adjusted Deviation" aufgeführt. Die Werte zeigen, wie stark eine einzelne Antwort mit den Links-Rechts-Plazierungen zusammenhängt. Positive Werte entsprechen einem linearen Zusammenhang mit der Links-Rechts-Skala. Da hohe Werte auf der Links-Rechts-Skala den "rechten" politischen Positionen entsprechen, bedeuten positive Werte dass besonders viele Personen mit rechten Positionen eine bestimmte Antwort gegeben haben. Umgekehrt weisen negative Werte darauf hin, dass Personen, die sich selber als "Linke" einschätzen, die Antwort häufig gegeben haben. Die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Koeffizienten steigt, wenn N gross ist.
Deutschland 1976 R^2 = 0.053 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.08 Signifikanzniveau = .004 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
282 1360 327 58 |
-.40 .04 .10 .31 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
52 1129 847 |
-2.07 -.25 .46 |
Deutschland 1977 R^2 = 0.038 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.04 Signifikanzniveau = .053 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
431 2791 654 77 |
-.04 -.03 .18 -.17 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
86 1801 2066 |
-.28 -.40 .36 |
Deutschland 1978 R^2 = 0.055 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.15 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
323 2418 564 78 |
-.55 -.08 .56 .58 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
59 1611 1713 |
-1.38 -.33 .36 |
Deutschland 1979 R^2 = 0.025 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.09 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
405 2534 447 68 |
-.33 .00 .34 -.31 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.14 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
103 1949 1402 |
-.44 -.20 .31 |
Deutschland 1980 R^2 = 0.046 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
181 1191 335 73 |
-.05 -.14 .50 .11 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
67 886 828 |
.13 -.34 .35 |
Deutschland 1981 R^2 = 0.064 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
210 1086 360 98 |
-.21 -.19 .58 .41 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
96 973 685 |
.82 -.31 .32 |
Deutschland 1982 R^2 = 0.082 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.09 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
387 2160 927 212 |
.37 .00 -.03 -.57 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
154 2035 1498 |
-.60 -.43 .65 |
Deutschland 1983 R^2 = 0.149 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.27 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
412 2293 741 121 |
.96 .13 -.69 -1.41 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.22 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
99 1883 1584 |
-.60 -.37 .48 |
Deutschland 1984 R^2 = 0.130 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.21 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
224 1273 441 105 |
.95 .02 -.39 -.66 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
61 1259 724 |
-1.15 -.30 .62 |
Deutschland 1985 R^2 = 0.111 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.19 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
481 2412 815 189 |
.56 .14 -.57 -.75 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.24 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
122 2320 1454 |
-1.00 -.32 .59 |
Deutschland 1986 R^2 = 0.098 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.24 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
466 2728 771 119 |
.75 .15 -.89 -.60 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
110 2249 1724 |
.12 -.28 .36 |
Deutschland 1987 R^2 = 0.082 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.16 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
337 2532 833 110 |
.86 .02 -.26 -1.05 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.21 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
86 2219 1506 |
-.68 -.34 .53 |
Deutschland 1988 R^2 = 0.077 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.20 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
643 2317 921 86 |
.60 .09 -.51 -1.52 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
80 2494 1392 |
.08 -.27 .047 |
Deutschland 1989 R^2 = 0.036 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
420 2600 673 158 |
.38 .06 -.56 .43 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.13 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
68 2361 1421 |
-.59 -.18 .33 |
Deutschland 1990 R^2 = 0.049 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
288 1296 271 33 |
.49 -.02 -.32 -1.03 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
40 1088 760 |
-.76 -.22 .35 |
Grossbritannien 1976 R^2 = 0.053 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.07 Signifikanzniveau = .036 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
121 748 514 238 |
.44 -.12 .02 .11 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.22 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
124 1040 456 |
-.20 -.30 .74 |
Grossbritannien 1977 R^2 = 0.030 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.03 Signifikanzniveau = .273 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
287 1719 781 366 |
-.14 -.03 .08 .08 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
224 1963 966 |
-.76 -.14 .46 |
Grossbritannien 1978 R^2 = 0.043 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.09 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
244 1610 836 335 |
-.60 .00 .08 .23 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
-.96 -.17 .53 |
Grossbritannien 1979 R^2 = 0.055 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.03 Signifikanzniveau = .387 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
239 1572 945 442 |
-.01 .05 -.02 -.13 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
190 2138 870 |
-1.10 -.17 .67 |
Grossbritannien 1980 R^2 = 0.080 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.23 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
136 673 417 233 |
.75 .23 -.42 -.36 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
102 932 424 |
-.45 -.12 .36 |
Grossbritannien 1981 R^2 = 0.070 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.16 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
103 749 486 209 |
.99 .06 -.36 .08 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
143 967 436 |
-.85 -.12 .53 |
Grossbritannien 1982 R^2 = 0.100 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.20 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
521 1737 883 373 |
.68 .10 -.31 -.70 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
207 2153 1154 |
-.96 -.22 .59 |
Grossbritannien 1983 R^2 = 0.125 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.21 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
456 1858 741 330 |
.47 .23 -.55 -.69 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
149 2166 1072 |
-1.66 -.17 .58 |
Grossbritannien 1984 R^2 = 0.206 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.26 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
215 850 462 180 |
1.01 .18 -.44 -.93 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.32 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
80 1100 527 |
-1.86 -.28 .87 |
Grossbritannien 1985 R^2 = 0.131 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.24 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
312 1604 1071 489 |
.76 .34 -.44 -.65 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
179 2300 998 |
-.95 -.21 .66 |
Grossbritannien 1986 R^2 = 0.091 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.20 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
345 1578 1056 480 |
.79 .17 -.30 -.47 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.21 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
162 2405 892 |
-.64 -.18 .61 |
Grossbritannien 1987 R^2 = 0.166 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.30 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
380 1719 943 413 |
1.05 .27 -.57 -.79 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
141 2474 413 |
-.78 -.21 .74 |
R^2 = 0.210 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.39 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
381 1569 1148 419 |
1.46 .45 -.56 -1.46 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
171 2653 693 |
-.34 -.19 .82 |
Grossbritannien 1989 R^2 = 0.134 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.33 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
410 1616 979 418 |
1.34 .29 -.58 -1.07 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.12 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
198 2387 838 |
-.26 -.14 .46 |
Grossbritannien 1990 R^2 = 0.110 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.27 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
124 805 598 221 |
1.02 .31 -.35 -.73 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
130 1156 460 |
-.26 -.17 .49 |
Niederlande 1976 R^2 = 0.084 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .059 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
51 235 110 27 |
-.38 -.18 .45 .45 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.28 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
23 255 145 |
-2.16 -.21 .71 |
Niederlande 1977 R^2 = 0.065 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.12 Signifikanzniveau = .005 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
77 487 211 44 |
-.22 -.20 .41 .68 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
39 482 298 |
-1.68 -.28 .67 |
Niederlande 1978 R^2 = 0.092 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .017 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
74 439 243 53 |
.32 .15 -.20 -.78 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.27 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
46 512 251 |
-1.55 -.30 .90 |
Niederlande 1979 R^2 = 0.077 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .001 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
65 476 213 50 |
.52 .13 -.19 -1.11 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.22 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
41 521 242 |
-.78 -.31 .80 |
Niederlande 1980 R^2 = 0.107 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .008 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
36 171 140 43 |
1.03 .17 -.35 -.38 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
15 240 134 |
-1.25 -.39 .83 |
Niederlande 1981 R^2 = 0.058 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.07 Signifikanzniveau = .509 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
26 226 118 33 |
-.08 .15 -.25 -.06 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
26 233 144 |
-.97 -.31 .68 |
Niederlande 1982 R^2 = 0.067 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.12 Signifikanzniveau = .002 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
63 470 319 99 |
.66 .06 .00 -.67 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.22 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
50 600 302 |
-1.08 -.25 .68 |
Niederlande 1983 R^2 = 0.149 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.20 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
66 433 295 97 |
.34 .34 -.25 -.98 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.31 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
53 584 255 |
-1.53 -.29 .99 |
Niederlande 1984 R^2 = 0.126 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.XX Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
36 236 139 42 |
.71 .26 -.36 -.86 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.XX |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
22 307 124 |
-.88 -.31 .91 |
Niederlande 1985 R^2 = 0.140 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.24 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
77 471 264 78 |
.52 .36 -.44 -1.17 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
42 594 253 |
-1.23 -.28 .85 |
Niederlande 1986 R^2 = 0.144 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.22 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
87 500 258 68 |
.34 .37 -.57 -.98 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.29 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
27 604 281 |
-.77 -.41 .96 |
Niederlande 1987 R^2 = 0.119 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.21 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
74 483 270 66 |
.58 .28 -.48 -.74 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
24 614 254 |
-.72 -.31 .82 |
Niederlande 1988 R^2 = 0.116 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.24 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
71 549 241 43 |
.55 .31 -.62 -1.39 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
32 620 253 |
-1.23 -.20 .64 |
Niederlande 1989 R^2 = 0.048 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .009 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
112 577 188 38 |
.07 .14 -.32 -.75 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
23 590 301 |
-.40 -.27 .57 |
Niederlande 1990 R^2 = 0.043 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.06 Signifikanzniveau = .609 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
49 291 103 11 |
-.24 .10 -.15 -.09 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
13 273 168 |
-1.20 -.24 .48 |
Dänemark 1976 R^2 = 0.080 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.05 Signifikanzniveau = .576 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
60 408 266 82 |
-.11 .07 -.02 -.21 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.27 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
35 453 328 |
-2.03 -.12 .38 |
Dänemark 1977 R^2 = 0.066 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.05 Signifikanzniveau = .280 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
184 966 430 102 |
.05 .06 -.10 -.21 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
54 938 690 |
-2.07 -.15 .37 |
Dänemark 1978 R^2 = 0.081 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.06 Signifikanzniveau = .058 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
219 946 375 113 |
-.18 .08 -.01 -.30 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.27 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
61 991 601 |
-2.21 -.13 .44 |
Dänemark 1979 R^2 = 0.068 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.03 Signifikanzniveau = .559 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
250 995 385 111 |
.01 -.05 .07 .14 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
40 1052 649 |
-2.10 -.23 .51 |
Dänemark 1980 R^2 = 0.076 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.10 Signifikanzniveau = .028 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
111 428 241 65 |
-.15 -.10 .11 .46 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
15 465 365 |
-1.98 -.26 .42 |
Dänemark 1981 R^2 = 0.063 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.10 Signifikanzniveau = .011 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
160 444 171 57 |
-.17 -.11 .27 .54 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.26 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
17 464 351 |
-2.00 -.25 .42 |
Dänemark 1982 R^2 = 0.044 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.02 Signifikanzniveau = .864 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
220 942 507 144 |
.08 -.02 .02 -.04 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.21 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
38 1083 692 |
-1.63 -.21 .42 |
Dänemark 1983 R^2 = 0.104 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.18 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
350 954 355 62 |
.51 .04 -.42 -1.06 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.24 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
31 1086 604 |
-2.59 -.20 .49 |
Dänemark 1984 R^2 = 0.148 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.25 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
185 443 161 46 |
.50 .16 -.78 -.83 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
18 555 262 |
-2.60 -.13 .46 |
Dänemark 1985 R^2 = 0.140 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.27 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
385 878 330 106 |
.58 .17 -.83 -.92 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.24 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
29 1094 576 |
-2.17 -.24 .56 |
Dänemark 1986 R^2 = 0.100 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.22 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
422 835 332 99 |
.55 .05 -.57 -.88 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.22 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
28 1096 564 |
-2.07 -.20 .50 |
Dänemark 1987 R^2 = 0.132 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
345 934 380 94 |
.43 .10 -.46 -.70 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.32 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
21 1140 592 |
-2.39 -.39 .85 |
Dänemark 1988 R^2 = 0.062 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.07 Signifikanzniveau = .012 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
268 933 535 104 |
.24 .08 -.20 -.27 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
31 1084 725 |
-2.06 -.33 .58 |
Dänemark 1989 R^2 = 0.045 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.10 Signifikanzniveau = .001 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
227 952 462 122 |
.12 .14 -.24 -.44 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
48 1087 628 |
-1.26 -.21 .46 |
Dänemark 1990 R^2 = 0.047 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .012 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
184 496 161 52 |
.33 .01 -.27 -.44 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
15 497 381 |
-.78 -.29 .41 |
Irland 1976 R^2 = 0.040 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.16 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
63 424 204 79 |
.67 .14 -.29 -.53 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.10 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
63 509 198 |
-.35 -.07 .30 |
Irland 1977 R^2 = 0.037 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
190 915 320 128 |
.49 .07 -.39 -.24 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.13 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
97 1006 450 |
-.74 -.07 .32 |
Irland 1978 R^2 = 0.054 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
190 863 285 144 |
.58 .07 -.33 -.55 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
106 1003 371 |
-1.03 -.06 .45 |
Irland 1979 R^2 = 0.032 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
139 707 428 229 |
.54 .02 -.07 -.27 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.13 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
119 1024 365 |
-.67 -.03 .30 |
Irland 1980 R^2 = 0.048 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.12 Signifikanzniveau = .012 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
53 337 245 127 |
.13 .21 -.19 -.25 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
55 537 170 |
-.95 -.03 .40 |
Irland 1981 R^2 = 0.033 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .002 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
91 369 182 76 |
.36 .14 -.20 -.64 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.10 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
34 456 228 |
-.93 .05 .04 |
Irland 1982 R^2 = 0.047 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
163 733 453 237 |
.25 .23 -.31 -.28 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.16 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
101 1057 428 |
-1.02 -.03 .32 |
Irland 1983 R^2 = 0.057 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
102 642 490 316 |
.45 .17 -.01 -.47 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
119 1036 395 |
-.90 -.07 .45 |
Irland 1984 R^2 = 0.039 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .029 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
53 323 249 166 |
.36 .13 -.25 -.01 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.16 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
38 550 203 |
-.77 -.10 .43 |
Irland 1985 R^2 = 0.016 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.06 Signifikanzniveau = .126 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
126 662 470 308 |
.22 -.04 .10 -.16 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.11 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
96 1084 386 |
-.68 -.02 .23 |
Irland 1986 R^2 = 0.021 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.08 Signifikanzniveau = .026 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
125 684 444 298 |
.28 .08 -.11 -.13 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.12 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
72 985 494 |
-.67 -.07 .23 |
Irland 1987 R^2 = 0.047 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.08 Signifikanzniveau = .016 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
113 710 401 285 |
.33 .09 -.16 -.12 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
89 1065 355 |
-.86 -.11 .55 |
Irland 1988 R^2 = 0.065 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
137 676 492 213 |
.25 .22 -.12 -.56 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.21 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
66 1059 393 |
-1.27 -.13 .56 |
Irland 1989 R^2 = 0.025 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.12 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
176 745 330 189 |
.36 .09 -.11 -.50 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.10 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
125 925 394 |
-.65 .03 .13 |
Irland 1990 R^2 = 0.034 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .027 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
136 383 111 93 |
.29 .09 -.31 -.42 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.14 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
76 404 243 |
-.69 -.06 .31 |
Italien 1976 R^2 = 0.053 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.09 Signifikanzniveau = .005 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
17 217 688 707 |
.16 .25 .16 -.23 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
236 1088 305 |
-.91 .02 .64 |
Italien 1977 R^2 = 0.058 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.12 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
23 487 1549 1197 |
1.37 .47 .04 -.28 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
359 1983 914 |
-.76 -.16 .65 |
Italien 1978 R^2 = 0.073 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
41 695 1465 988 |
.66 .50 .03 -.42 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
287 1995 908 |
-1.06 -.01 .36 |
Italien 1979 R^2 = 0.085 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
59 515 1429 1222 |
.53 .59 .12 -.41 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
276 2058 892 |
-1.03 -.16 .70 |
Italien 1980 R^2 = 0.073 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.19 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
35 299 745 510 |
.99 .48 .06 -.44 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
90 1044 454 |
-1.08 -.06 .36 |
Italien 1981 R^2 = 0.095 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.16 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
64 265 744 551 |
.71 .52 .06 -.41 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
105 1030 489 |
-1.37 -.18 .68 |
Italien 1982 R^2 = 0.042 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.15 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
68 608 1486 1268 |
.96 .45 .09 -.37 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.12 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
263 2378 788 |
-.59 -.07 .42 |
Italien 1983 R^2 = 0.040 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.07 Signifikanzniveau = .001 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
51 587 1556 1137 |
.57 .23 .00 -.15 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.18 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
203 2415 713 |
-1.01 -.10 .63 |
Italien 1984 R^2 = 0.044 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.15 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
39 414 761 438 |
.68 .50 -.17 -.25 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
98 1261 293 |
-.13 -.15 .70 |
Italien 1985 R^2 = 0.061 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
98 854 1571 934 |
1.33 .39 -.07 -.38 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
242 2504 710 |
-.53 -.14 .68 |
Italien 1986 R^2 = 0.039 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.15 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
81 883 1528 850 |
.57 .46 -.05 -.43 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.11 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
228 2321 793 |
-.68 -.06 .37 |
Italien 1987 R^2 = 0.064 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.13 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
68 858 1455 829 |
.62 .38 -.08 -.30 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
168 2409 829 |
-1.30 -.08 .65 |
Italien 1988 R^2 = 0.025 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.10 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
126 990 1508 793 |
.60 .27 -.15 -.15 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.11 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
161 2632 623 |
-.56 -.07 .44 |
Italien 1989 R^2 = 0.029 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.15 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
79 772 1421 773 |
.82 .46 -.12 -.33 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.08 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
160 2373 511 |
-.01 -.08 .38 |
Italien 1990 R^2 = 0.053 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
41 413 644 391 |
.33 .35 -.20 -.08 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.20 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
81 1117 292 |
-1.07 -.12 .75 |
Frankreich 1976 R^2 = 0.377 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.34 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
70 621 523 255 |
1.14 .71 -.50 -1.01 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.38 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
228 983 259 |
-1.80 .18 .91 |
Frankreich 1977 R^2 = 0.343 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.34 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
200 1288 908 409 |
1.27 .61 -.73 -.94 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.36 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
357 1847 601 |
-1.85 .04 .99 |
Frankreich 1978 R^2 = 0.278 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.39 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
137 1290 912 454 |
1.47 .70 -.61 -1.21 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.25 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
293 2041 459 |
-1.38 .03 .75 |
Frankreich 1979 R^2 = 0.276 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.41 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
113 1139 973 505 |
1.52 .81 -.47 -1.26 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.23 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
297 1925 508 |
-1.27 .05 .56 |
Frankreich 1980 R^2 = 0.230 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.31 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
41 471 494 285 |
.77 .72 -.32 -.75 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.29 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
137 888 266 |
-1.29 -.06 .87 |
Frankreich 1981 R^2 = 0.118 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.19 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
96 828 450 106 |
-.38 -.24 .29 1.01 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.28 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
79 996 404 |
-2.02 -.07 .57 |
Frankreich 1982 R^2 = 0.105 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.27 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
135 1509 1107 437 |
-1.41 -.40 .34 .95 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.19 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
192 2196 801 |
-1.46 .01 .31 |
Frankreich 1983 R^2 = 0.110 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.31 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
182 1219 1090 493 |
-1.61 -.44 .33 .97 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.12 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
224 2008 753 |
-.65 -.05 .33 |
Frankreich 1984 R^2 = 0.072 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.24 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
84 581 613 221 |
-.99 -.42 .18 .97 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
104 1066 328 |
-1.02 -.01 .36 |
Frankreich 1985 R^2 = 0.091 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.26 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
158 1331 1202 523 |
-.97 -.54 .38 .80 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.15 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
193 2191 829 |
-.81 -.10 .46 |
Frankreich 1986 R^2 = 0.033 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.11 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
175 1575 999 348 |
.55 .12 -.17 -.35 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.14 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
198 2024 874 |
-.88 -.04 .30 |
Frankreich 1987 R^2 = 0.072 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.17 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
133 1490 1086 405 |
.84 .27 -.30 -.46 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta19XX |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
189 2097 827 |
-1.30 -.04 .41 |
Frankreich 1988 R^2 = 0.031 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.07 Signifikanzniveau = .002 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
234 1425 1319 344 |
-.30 .00 -.04 .36 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.17 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
163 2335 824 |
-1.48 -.01 .33 |
Frankreich 1989 R^2 = 0.031 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
128 1653 1020 351 |
-.71 -.22 .28 .49 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.12 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
183 2325 644 |
-1.04 .02 .22 |
Frankreich 1990 R^2 = 0.033 |
Label der Variable |
N |
Adjusted Deviation |
Beta=.14 Signifikanzniveau = .000 |
very satisfied fairly satisfied not very satisfied not at all satisfied |
77 788 433 178 |
-.02 -.26 .36 .28 |
V8 (amount of social change desired) Beta=.13 |
radically change by revolutionary action gradually improve by reforms defend against all subversive forces |
106 1004 366 |
-.78 -.04 .35 |
Kapitel 6